Among Musk’s first acts as Twitter’s owner were to lay off about half the company and to allow users to purchase for $8 a month the blue check-mark verification, which had previously been bestowed by Twitter upon notable figures. In addition, he disbanded Twitter’s content-mode
... Bolsonaro has chafed at foreign pressure to safeguard the Amazon rainforest, and he served notice to international nonprofit groups such as the World Wide Fund for Nature that he will not tolerate their agendas in Brazil. He has also come out strongly against lands reserved for indigenous tr
Mr Musk said he wants to get “over a million, maybe two million, voters in the battleground states to sign the petition in support of the First and Second Amendment”.
The vice president seized on reports in which John Kelly, a former chief of staff to Donald J. Trump, recounted ex
He said he was deeply troubled by Trump’s recent comments about using the military against domestic opponents.
Adding to the chorus of legal scrutiny, lawyer and patent attorney Olav Mitchell Underdal wrote on X (formerly Twitter): "In any event, this is for the federal courts to s
'Não há perdão de modo a quem atenta contra a democracia': os destaques do ato por aniversário de oito de janeiro
Especialistas ouvidos pela BBC News Brasil se mostram preocupados utilizando a escalada da violência na política em várias